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John Roberts Biography

John Roberts is a professor of Economics, Strategic Management at Stanford University. He is interested in international business, organization of the firm and connection between strategy and organization. He has published enormous articles and paper, mainly focusing on the reason that organizations take different strategies. According to him, the information differences are the main cause. Also he contributed in techniques to make conclusions from economic models. John Roberts teaches mainly about strategy and organization, with strong attention in multinational business. He wrote two books, The Modern Firm: Organizational Design for Performance and Growth; and Economics, Organization, and Management.

He is honored as Faculty Lifetime Achievement Award, Stanford GSB in 2005 and Fundacion BBVA IESE Prize for Contributions of Economics to Management in 2009.



  1. As I mentioned in class, both Roberts and Paul Milgrom were on the faculty at Northwestern when I was a graduate student. They were both in the Business School in the department called Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences. There is definitely a strong relationship between economics and business education and Roberts' work embodies that.


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