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Showing posts from August, 2019

Human Capital

Imagine that you are going to graduate from college and just started looking for a job, or applying for graduate school. The recruiter would probably look at your resume and applications, then make an estimation of your human capital before making the final decision. So what is human capital? I would like to categorize them into two types. One type is more related to "what you have learned to do" and the other is more about "what you will be able to do". For example, "what you have learned to do" reflects your basic knowledge (math, statistics, economic theories, etc), or your skills you acquired (programming skills, communication skills, etc). And those might be easier to evaluate from your resume and transcript. The other group of human capital might include your creativity, critical thinking, ability to learn new things, etc. I think those attributes are good predictors of what you will perform in a new environment. Maybe I can share my experience a...